BYREDO Perfumes

Did you know that one of the most commercially successful brands in niche perfumery - Byredo - was created by a person who had nothing to do with it?

Ben Gorham was born in Sweden, lived in Toronto, New York, Mumbai and has absorbed many different cultures. Including his Indian mom. An artist by training, he almost became a professional basketball player. But chance changed everything ...

In 2006, Ben met the perfumer Peter Wolfe at one of the art exhibitions and became interested in perfumery. The artist realized that fragrances can also be works of art, in which you can express your talent.

In the same year Gorham founded the brand in Stockholm, and in 2009 opened the first boutique there.

Now this mysterious brunette is a style icon in the field of perfumery. Byredo's perfumes and colognes are known all over the world. And now no one is outraged that they are created by a "non-professional"

“My fragrances are like chapters of one big book,” says Ben Gorham.

According to the brand's philosophy, each Byredo fragrance is a memory, bottled. Ben comes up with compositions based on his memories and preferences, and the world-famous perfumers Jerome Epinette and Olivia Giacobetti create fragrances.

It takes more than a year to create one perfume, and each Byredo fragrance is unique and wearable at the same time.

In our store, you can try the most popular Byredo fragrances: from 5 ml to bottle. Byredo perfume samples can help you make your decision.